Practical information
This workhsop will take place at the station biologique of Besse (birth place of Nicolas Bourbaki) from the 10th to the 14th of March 2025. For coming you'll need to arrive in Clermont-Ferrand by the 9th of March afternoon. A bus shuttle will take you to the Station Biologique. Note neither towels nor toiletories are provided by the Station biologique.
Presentation of the workshop
This workshop aims at bringing together mostly young
researchers to spend one week studying a topic in low
dimensional topology. Part of the week is dedicated to
detailed talks taking time to introduce the background of
the theory necessary to tackle more recent questions. Time
is voluntarily made available to encourage discussion that
the presentations will generate.
This is the fifth edition of the series "
Between the Waves".
The aim of this edition is to detail to understand
Giroux's correspondence between open book decomposition and contact structures.
The (still slightly evolving) program is available
Coming soon!
Before the workshops a few online "pre-talks" are scheduled to warm us up and cover some background and motivational material. Recordings and notes will be made available here.
- Nikolas Adaloglou (Leiden)
- Gerard Bargalló (Berlin)
- Filippo Bianchi (Pise)
- Sebastián Matías Camponov (Trieste)
- Quentin Faes (Zurich)
- Livio Ferretti (Genève)
- Yvon Fredrich (Grenoble)
- Paolo Ghiggini (Grenoble)
- Anthony Guillen (Grenoble)
- Alexis Guérin (Clermont-Ferrand)
- Johannes Hauber (Neuchatel)
- Benjamin Haïoun (Lyon)
- Chun-Sheng Hsueh (Berlin)
- Maya Kayali (Dijon)
- Edwin Kitaeff (Dijon)
- Clément Legrand (Clermont-Ferrand)
- Maÿlis Limouzineau (Paris)
- Yohann Mandin-Hublé (Grenoble)
- Laura Marino (Hamburg)
- Jules Martel (Cergy)
- Gregor Masbaum (Paris)
- Nicola Medici (Lille)
- Joris Moulai (Montpellier)
- Delphine Moussard (Marseille)
- Neha Nanda (Caen)
- Louis-Hadrien Robert (Clermont-Ferrand)
- Clarence Rossant (Grenoble)
- Léo Schelstraete (MPIM)
- Misha Schmalian (Oxford)
- Tanushree Shah (Pune)
- Gaëtan Simian (Genève)
- Simone Tagliente (Budapest)
- Sardor Yakupov (Grenoble)
- Marco Di Marco (Padova)