I am one of the organizers and of the workshop
BTW5, about Giroux's Correpondence.
It will happen from March 9th to March 14th 2025
at the station biologique of
Besse (France).
Past events
From 2020 to 2024, I was one of the organizers of the
knot online seminar [K-OS].
I was one of the organizers and of the second
Topology Biennial: focus on representation theory
(January 14th – January 19th) at
the SRS in les
Diablerets (Switzerland).
I was one of the organizers and of the workshop
BTW3: Morse and Floer theories
(January 30th – February 3rd 2023)
the CIRM in
Marseille (France).
I was one of the organizers and of the first Quantum Topology Biennial:
Recent developments in link homology
(January 31st – February 4th 2022) at the SRS in les Diablerets (Switzerland).
I was one of the organizers and of the hot topic workshopFoam evaluation
(November 5th – 7th 2021) at the ICERM
in Providence, RI (USA).