Publications and preprints
- [25] MOY calculus in type D, with Elijah Bodish and Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:2501.04332.
- [24] Des mousses et des Homs, habilitation thesis. HAL:tel-04844145v1.
- [23] Remarks on symmetric link homologies, with You Qi, Joshua Sussan and Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:2412.08401.
- [22] A topological theory of unoriented SL(4) foams, with Mikhail Khovanov, Józef H. Przytycki and Marithania Silvero. ArXiv:2307.00674. To appear in Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics.
- [21] Symmetries of equivariant Khovanov–Rozansky homology, with You Qi, Joshua Sussan and Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:2306.10729.
- [20] Symmetries of gl(N)-foams, with You Qi, Joshua Sussan and Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:2212.10106.
- [19] A proof of Dunfield–Gukov–Rasmussen conjecture
, with Anna Beliakova, Krzysztof Putyra and Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:2210.00878, to appear in Journal of the European Mathematical Society.
- [18] A categorification of the colored Jones polynomial at a root of unity, with You Qi, Joshua Sussan and Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:2111.13195.
- [17] Conical SL(3) foams, with Mikhail Khovanov. ArXiv:2011.11077, published in Journal of Combinatorial Algebra.
- [16] Link homology and Frobenius extensions II, with Mikhail Khovanov. ArXiv:2005.08048, published in Fundamenta Mathematicae.
- [15] State sums for some super quantum link invariants, with Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:1909.02305, published in Topology and Geometry: A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Vladimir G. Turaev, ed. A. Papadopoulos, 2021.
- [14] A quantum categorification of the Alexander polynomial, with Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:1902.05648, accepted in Geometry and Topology.
- [13] Foam evaluation and Kronheimer–Mrowka Theory, with Mikhail Khovanov. ArXiv:1808.09662, published in Advances in Mathematics.
- [12] Characterizations of box-totally dual integral polyhedra, with Patrick Chervet and Roland Grappe. ArXiv:1804.08977, published in Mathematical Programming, series A.
- [11] A signature invariant for knotted Klein graphs, with Catherine Gille. ArXiv:1803.08025. Published in Algebraic and Geometric Topology.
- [10] Symmetric Khovanov–Rozansky link homologies, with Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:1801.02244, published in Journal de l'École Polytechnique.
- [9] A closed formula for the evaluation of sl(N)-foams, with Emmanuel Wagner. ArXiv:1702.04140, published in Quantum Topology.
- [8] A new way to evaluate MOY graphs. ArXiv:1512.02370 .
- [7] Categorification of the colored sl(3)-invariant. ArXiv:1503.08451. Published in Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.
- [6] Grothendieck groups of Khovanov–Kuperberg algebras. ArXiv:1312.1122. Published in JKTR.
- [5] On edge-colorings of bicubic planar graphs. ArXiv:1312.0361.
- [4] A characterisation of indecomposable web modules over Kε. ArXiv:1309.2793. Published in Alebraic and Geometric Topology.
- [3] Sur l’homologie sl(3) des enchevêtrements ; algèbres de Khovanov–Kuperberg. PhD Thesis, Université Paris 7.
- [2] A large family of indecomposable projective modules for the Khovanov–Kuperberg algebra of sl3-webs. ArXiv:1207.6287. Published in Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.
- [1] Algebras for the sl(3)-homology. Published in the proceedings of the 12th Forum des jeunes mathématicien-ne-s.
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